
Tech Wiz Wander

The ROV concept is one that I am very excited about. Fire, explosive and underwater ROV’s allow humans to examine more of what isn’t seen without risking a human’s life. In our case, we will be able to see what lies beneath the water, or more importantly if our boat needs to be cleaned.  The ROV world, which is a variation of the Drone world, continues to expand. I am very excited to share my Trident and get ready for her maiden voyage. I do need to come up with a name for the watercraft. I was thinking fish lair 1 in honor of our boat being named Labs Lair (too). I am not sure yet, and I am going to see what comes to me around the time of the first launch!

As an IoT connectivity person, I sometimes worry that we aren’t going to have enough available bandwidth. Not the carriers with huge networks, rather the home network. The nature of information is that for it to be current, you have to update it. The updating of data from IoT devices then has a destination be it another device on your home network, or a device located beyond your home network. That reality is what pushes your home network to the edge. I see the “fastest” in-home wi-fi advertised all the time. First off, the relevance of in-home wifi is high, if the only thing you are your Local area network for is things on your local area network.

Local Area networks or LAN’s are networks that can be self-contained. But, as far as I know, unless you are a Netflix hosting site, your house doesn’t have Netflix, Hulu or Amazon on it or your LAN. That means you probably aren’t using your Lan for your connection. You connect to your Wan, then head off into the wild blue yonder. The reality of that wild blue yonder is actually where the issues are. That makes that fastest in-home wif-fi, frankly useless at best. It is the connection beyond the router in your house that matters. From your house’s connection to the neighborhood connection to the central connection to the main office or switching station of the provider and off into the internet. Oh yeah and back to your computer using the same steps. Its all about the throughput after you leave your home network.

Connectivity is such an interesting problem.


What do you think?

Written by DocAndersen

One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    • If I can ever get a clear night (when I am awake) I can also share the pictures of the moon I am mapping out. It will be my look up to the sky (look down below the water) picture collection!