
Tech wiz on portable tech…

I know I spend a lot of column space on weather technology. But just one quick weather fact and then off to a tech wiz column. The DMV (District, Maryland and Virginia) as of today is .55 inches of rain away from the all-time a wettest year on record. Just a personal note, there is between 1-2 inches of rain projected for the DMV starting later today and going through Saturday. Another weekend washed out. At least it isn’t snow, that would be 8-10 inches of snow. I also spend a lot of time using boating tech. I enjoy mixing what my phone can do, with what information I can have about my boat and the water around me. Based on that I’ve been using the portable Deeper Sonar.

Deeper is a great product one that I will do a review of later on. It is deep on my list. Deep mostly because people send me “can you review this” requests and no one, other than me is interested in the Deeper Sonar system. Portable technology is often not as good as stationary technology. The side-scanning sonar we have on the boat is much better than the Deeper is. We also (my father’s day gift this year) the VesselView system. VesselView lets you see what your engines are doing on your phone.  It is interesting, something that more and more cars are moving towards (connected information). Sometimes, the car systems like the VesselView system requires a plugin (ODB for your car, a module for Vessel View).

Having portable devices that connect to your phone is critical, however. First, having a portable weather system from Kestrel lets me know what the weather is, where I am. Weather varies based on the topology (hills tend to block wind) and the overall presence or absence of a contract. Concrete (i.e., the center of town) is always warmer than the grassy field.

Portable is also important because there are places we can’t go on our boat. Being able to drop the Deeper ball into the water to see what is below, makes the launching of an ROV easier. You have to know what is below!

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    Would you like to know what the weather is, where you are?

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    Do you get frustrated with the pace of technology change?

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What do you think?

Written by DocAndersen

One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!