
Love ItLove It

Sweet, happy life

Years ago, in late autumn we moved from the city to our own house. Our life fitted in a bunch of boxes: very large and slightly smaller boxes because all the old furniture we left and bought new ones. Is it was crazy many or just a little – depends on how you look at this.

Life started from another angle. We needed a new piece of white paper to color it through new challenges and experiences. We did not hurry because wanted to do everything before starting a life here, and this day finally came. Bringing a pinch of confusion, a pinch of fear, and an armful of cheers.

We were slowly unloading those full boxes full of pieces of our life. Small and big boxes full of memories. Very different and very ours. 

And here we are today and will be. Little by little, we create our days, our rituals, and our routines here.When you love life, anything is possible: a delicious, sweet, happy life.

© Fortune, 2019

  • Have you ever moved from one home to another?

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Written by Fortune


  1. Nearly six years ago I moved from a house in the city and pulled over to a sub-urban area to avoid various pollution. Nearly half of all our stuff was shared with anyone who is willing to accept or want it. Some of what we brought was only what we considered suitable for our new home at the time.

  2. We started moving things to this house in 2008 when it was going to be a weekend getaway. Then we started staying longer and longer. Now we are here full time and it is home. However, we still have a few boxes still packed up.
