The wreckage of a ship that disappeared 100 years ago in the Bermuda Triangle is recovered from the Florida Sea. During the First World War, the US ship SS Cotopaxi disappeared in the Bermuda Triangle. There were also 32 people aboard the ship, which after much searching, but could not found.
Archaeologists and divers have discovered the wreckage that disappeared in the Bermuda Triangle in 1925 from the ocean of St. Augustine, Florida. The Bermuda Triangle is a typical part of the Atlantic Ocean in the United States. Its one corner is connected to Bermuda, the other to Puerto Rico and the third to Melbourne and the center of these three corners is called the Bermuda Triangle.
The Bermuda Triangle is a faraway area within the Angle Sea where many aircraft and boats and ships have disappeared so far and to date they have not been found.
Have you any story to share regarding Bermuda triangle ?
The Bermuda triangle is an amazing place where things disappear and don’t know why.
yeah , there is also a theory behind this.
I would like to know what this theory is…
ok, so let’s talk facts.
1. the Burmuda Triangle is the 2nd business shipping area in the global oceanic shipping. It has no greater disappearance of ships that the Indian Ocean, South China sea or any other.
2. It is a very deep section of the ocean so per the scientists that found this ship, it is hard to find many of the lost ships.
Scientists have said for the past 50 years that there is no mystery.
I think all airline has been directed not to fly over this portion of the ocean since the ship was appeared.
seriously? how to planes get to the US and British Virgin islands that in the middle? Or fly to Burmuda which you can’t do from the US without crossing the infamous fake triangle.
The Bermuda Triangle still remains a mystery and I wonder where the people went from that ship.
Yeah , Have you heard about Dajjal which will come before the day of judgment ? Our religious scripture says It will appear from the same place
That is really interesting can you enlighten me on that scripture…
I am waiting for someone to solve the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle.
Yeah , I am also waiting for the same
I’ve heard a lot about this place
Yeah , there is many stories associated with this places
There are many stories out there about this place. Makes you wonder.
yes , there is some references given in religious sacred scripture that Dajjal will appear from the same place before the judgment day
What is the Dajjal??????