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Sports drinks – what’s your type?

Many athletes choose sports drinks over water because it keeps them not only hydrated but provides fuel during physical activity. While water is still the preferred choice for hydration, sports drinks contain electrolytes which is a combination of minerals, salts and other ingredients. Sports drinks are designed for use before, during and after exercise and fall into three main categories; Isotonic, Hypertonic and Hypotonic.

Need less carbs? Your choice would be the Isotinic sports drink which has about 8% carbohydrates along with electrolytes and works to quickly replenish fluids after intense activity. Most sports drinks like the regular Gatorade, Powerade and Accelerade fall into this category.

The Hypertonic sports drink contains lots of carbs and you can use it during physical activity and after you are done running or exercising. This type of sport drink is high calorie and high energy and helps to replenish your carbohydrate and glycogen stores and may be described as endurance or performance.

A Hypotonic sports drinks will be the closest to water. It has a much lower carbohydrate content and serves as a ready replacement of fluids. It also contains electrolytes. Gatorade 2 and Powerade zero are examples of hypotonic sports drinks.

  • Question of

    Do you use sports drinks?

    • Yes
    • No
    • Rarely
  • Question of

    Did you know about the different types of sports drinks?

    • Yes
    • No
    • I do now
  • Question of

    Water or sports drinks?

    • Water
    • Sports drinks


What do you think?

11 Points

Written by Gloridaze


  1. I tried Gatorade once. After that it was a divorce for me and sport drinks. I’ll stick with Adam’s ale. That’s what my mom and dad used to call water. LOL.
