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Rosebuds Continue ~ September Pleasures JFF

The roses in my garden usually bloom through October. Amazing as they start around April or May, depending on the weather. They are very special as you all know. Dustin’s memorial garden. I took this rosebud while out chasing the grasshopper a couple of days ago. They never grow old to me. I know they will be gone soon. But they will return in the spring. Enjoying nature as long as I can in my backyard.

Kim has a September challenge you should check out, September Pleasures or just post what you love about September. 


  • Do some of your special moments in life involve nature?

    • Yes
    • No


What do you think?

12 Points

Written by Carol DM


  1. I shudder to think what my roses will look like when I get back to them, as they may not have been watered in my absence. Yes, your pink ones, and all the others, too, are beyond beautiful.
