I love the fact that the Introvert is answering comments in posts! What a great idea. So let’s answer a couple of their positions in a post!
First off, let’s be clear; we as a community have had things taken away by the admins over the last four years. I would love to say that they were taken away because the admins weren’t caring or didn’t want the authors to be successful. But that is not the case. I know of several things that the admins were forced to change because of the lousy behavior of authors.
- The original drafts issue goes back to a group of authors who were saving a post over and over as a draft. They were getting credit for a post every time they held a breeze (a posted poll is worth 30). They were saving drafts 100 or 200 and more times so that a single post was worth 3000 or more Virils. The admins figured this out, and that was when we first lost the original drafts folder. They took virils from a lot of authors as well for that little debacle.
- Comments, yes, we do not get paid any more for commenting on other authors’ posts. Why? Because there was an author (not posting often anymore) that used to comment on 100 or 200 posts a day and never reply to an author’s reply to the original comment. The admins felt that users abused the comment system on the site, so that removed the virus for commenting.
- We lost the edit button because a user on the site refused to listen to others. The majority of people didn’t use the edit button often because of the issues. An edited post that already had comments and views would shoot to the top of the list for commenting and trending, while those lists don’t mean what they used to; back then, you would gain 20-40 views from being on those two lists. (now it isn’t even 10).
The first issue involved more than ten authors; the other two were pretty much just one author. I can also tell you that your account on the site will be blocked if you curse or use any variation of a curse word (including replacing letters with symposiasts #$#) but having the first and last letter of the curse word in the post, not all symbols.
I know that posts will not be approved if they are found to be plagiarized.
I am going to list some admin only issues now.
- The users unable to publish on the site for 30 days (about a year ago) was wholly the admins.
- The inability to users to get their posts approved (now) is wholly on the admins.
- The inability to see comments is wholly on the admins.
The reason I stopped at 3 is simple to point out that we are responsible for issues on this site as well.
This work is Copyright DocAndersen. Any resemblance to people real or fictional in this piece is accidental (unless explicitly mentioned by name.)
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Send me a PM if you want to know the names of the authors involved in 2 and 3
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yes the admins are bad, but we’ve done some bad things as well
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is the time of virily drawing to a close?
Thanks for the update. I wasn’t aware why some features were removed. The Virily state is a result of admins and users.
I am certain it is and I am sad. I will probably lose many friends.