
Love ItLove It

Peacock on a tree

The peacock captures your imagination like no other bird does, or maybe its just my Asian mindset.  I love seeing birds and animals in their natural habitat.

This  one seemed to be enjoying himself looking down at the world from his high perch. I often see them walking around like chicken. It was kind of early in the day and I guess he was as sleepy as I was . LOL

Usually on our road trips we stop by wooded areas in the mornings to watch birds and listen to their songs. Here was our reward for stopping by . Where peacocks abound snakes are never found. They make a good meal of snakes , rats and other small animals. probably that is what he was looking for from his perch, his early breakfast.

  • Question of

    Do you like seeing peacocks?

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    Is there any other bird that captures your imagination? Could you please mention it in the comments.

    • Yes
    • No


What do you think?

14 Points

Written by Dawn


  1. There was a peacock used to stay in our roof top where I was staying in my school days. Where ever it goes in day time, by the evening it used to came back and roam around the graden.

  2. We have peacocks strolling in our garden and I have seen them flying to reach heights. I see them on our water tanks, on our terrace etc.. .