Many of us suffer from hatred and anger against those who do wrong with us and we want to take revenge, but do you know what these emotions can harm us?
Experts say that negative emotions like anger and hatred can cause us to suffer from diseases like cancer, According to a research, negative emotions not only harm the brain but also harm the body.
These emotions produce chronic anxiety, and produce anxiety and adrenaline hormone in the body. These hormone growth in the body damage the immune cells which fight against cancer in the body. So increase of these emotions can lead to cancer in humans.
According to experts, the easiest way to avoid this situation is to deal with things and promote forgiveness, It is beneficial for both mental and physical health.
According to research, those who are committed to forgive are also better physical health as well as mental stress reduction, their sleep is also better, gastrointestinal problems occur less, and very less medication for different disease.
Question of
Are you a revenge person?
Question of
Are you an apologist?
Question of
When did you last time forgive a person and why ?
I could write volumes on the subject of positive thinking My ‘Guru’ is Norman Vincent Peale whose book ‘Power of positive thinking’ converted me overnight so to say
I can sum up by saying ‘It is not how much one has but what one makes of what one has is the route to happiness’
Thank you grace for the detail comments, Forgiveness is Supreme.
I think that everything can cause cancer. It seems that no one really knows so it is anything.
I am a complex person. There are times when I feel like I must stand my ground and make a point. There are times when I need to apologize and try to make things right.
I consider “respect” is a gift that I freely give. If you then display disrespect, it is a gift I take back. Once my mind is made up it takes hard evidence to get me to make a change. I am no better than anyone else.
Well beside all this forgiveness increase your respect more.
I am not a revengeful man only when I do not care forgiveness for once … I have not spoken to my sister for 20 years … I do not want anything bad for her; she alone does not exist for me … God will take care of her
I certainly understand that. Sometimes ties must be broken for the good of all.
I agree with you Ghost on this.
I think 20 year is long period , you both should escalate for forgiveness.
But I admit that I am the one I can not forgive … she was terrified of me to her grave
You are right, we must all forgive others to have a positive life. This is very true.
Thank you Carol , for kind comments much appreciated
I think forgiving others often lifts burdens you didn’t know you were carrying. It’s sound advice.
Since forgiving produce positive hormone and it satisfy your soul . Well every one has his own opinion.
We should think positive is healthy for all isuses.
Yeah , agreed with you , Thank you very much
I wasn’t aware of this but it makes sense. Thanks for sharing this information with us.
Yeah , we must promote forgiveness rather staying with revenge policy
Is there any evidence for this claim, or is it just an unproven theory?
By the way, your question 3 cannot be answered by Yes or No!
Since it is based on medical term as I mentioned the hormone , It is proven medically and you can also try it you will get the result.
Regarding Question 3 , Sir you can still answer in comments. Thank you
Indexer – we all know that the templates don’t offer all the things we want.
I believe everything about cancer is an unproven theory. I also think it changes and adapts as treatments change adapt.