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Nature Tuesday ~ Is nature healthy?

soothes me, I always see something interesting. On one of the last walks, I came across this stump covered with moss and mushrooms.

More and more studies are proving the positive effects of walking in nature on our brains. They calm the mind and change the way the brain works, improving mental health. As more and more people live in the city and move less in nature than previous generations, knowing the positive effects is all the more important. City dwellers have more options for anxiety, depression and other mental distress as people who live outside the cities, proving the study.

  • Do you walk a lot in nature?

    • Yes
    • No


What do you think?

18 Points

Written by vidocka


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  1. Yes, walking in nature helps to prevent you from having diseases. I have the countryside near and I walk my dog there every day, It is good for the dog. The dog has always made her things in nature and this is good for the dog, the owner and nature too!!!

  2. I just seemed to be missing something at the beginning …. the picture is great ….. yes I also go a lot in nature and in the woods … nature too relaxes me even in these tough times


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