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Motivational Thought For Today

Don’t let the failures of the past limit the potential of today and the successes of the future.

We had a rescued parrot for a couple of years, which our son had named him Xerxes. Xerxes was hand raised , what I mean is that Xerxes was hatched in a incubator. He was sold off once he looked healthy and strong for an handsome amount.  Xerxes lived in a cage and never learned to fly. Even when he could fly his wings his owners trimmed to keep him from flying.

Xerxes’ wings grew strong and big and his feathers grew out long and beautiful after he came to us. He would flap hard and clumsily and hit himself against a wall when he tried to fly. After a while he even refused to try to fly. The poor bird thought he could never fly no matter how much we tried to help him. He walked around the house like a chicken.

There was nothing wrong with his wings, it was the limitation of his mind that made him a flightless bird. He had allowed the failures of his past, limit his potential of today to fly into the future.

Don’t let the failure of the past limit your future!!

  • Question of

    Your future doesn’t have to be limited by your past, right?

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    Sky is the limit when live up to our potential, right?

    • Yes
    • No


What do you think?

14 Points

Written by Dawn


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  1. I long for freedom in my soul. In that freedom I am not measured by failure, i am not measured by success, I am measured as a human.

    I slightly changed the immortal words of Dr. Martin Luther King, but they fit your post welL!

  2. That is very true Dawn I have come to realize that through my writing. I have had moments where I have been rejected but then I just go on and look for writing work elsewhere and the best of all is when the rewards start coming in

  3. I appreciate so much the lesson I learned from Xerxes’ story and the teaching behind it. You said, it was the limitation of his mind that made him a flightless bird”.” We sometimes limit our capacity to doing better and greater. Thank you so much!

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