Sunday was a very bad terrible, horrible rotten no good day and I lived through it. So Monday seemed so much better that I was able to really enjoy the day and reach my goals. I am so grateful to truly enjoy the calm after the storm.
So yes, I am still on track on marching forward. To those of you who are supportive of the journey and helpful, I owe you much gratitude. I don’t believe I would do this alone.
Question of
Do friends make your life better?
Question of
Can you really ever show enough gratitude?
Friends who understands can be a really big help!
Glad you had a good day 🙂
Friends do make life more bearable.
One of my dearest friends is a school teacher. He reminds me all the time that I used to be a school teacher. I am grateful for my path. But I have to pay my luck forward!
I taught school for years as well and loved that part of my journey.
I only taught for 7 years. I remember interviewing with a principal and he said “you won’t be a teacher in 10 years.” he was right!
It is always great to have someone watch out for your best interests.
It makes a huge difference to associate with people who want the best for you.
That is true since it helps to have good people on your side.