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Masks and gloves increase the risk of corona virus, research !!!

French medical and research experts have revealed that surgical masks and gloves do not protect anyone from the Corona virus, but can cause the virus to spread.

French experts conducted studies to deal with the Corona virus epidemic during which victims’ data and other data were collected. Experts warn that using masks or gloves increases the risk of becoming infected rather than preventing the virus.

Medical experts say that people who use masks to protect against the virus are their invention, although the chances of contaminating the mask are very high. In the light of the research, experts commented that wearing gloves to prevent the virus is of no use if people not refraining from touching their face.

Experts say that micro germ enter the mask and gloves after wandering in the affected area or when exposed, and when used, they may enter the human body.

Experts advise that gloves cannot be used for clean hands, so citizens should wash their hands with sterile soap or something every once in awhile, even if they use masks or gloves when needed.

  • Do you wear mask and gloves as prevention from coronavirus ?

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    • No


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  1. It is not possible to buy a mask in our country. They are even scarce for medical staff. I don’t hang out with other people. Since I live in the countryside, I can still afford a walk in the woods.

  2. Here in Spain if you don’t have a mask and gloves, even when you have fines in your personal car. I have to use them when traveling for work. And you have no right to travel without a document where you work and as of today (18-03-2020) there can be no one else with you in the car. There is an exception only if you accompany a child or a disabled person. The situation is very difficult.

  3. I would like to wear gloves when I handle things others have handled, in public places, but the truth is touching your face, mouth and eyes after touching infected surfaces doesn’t really help whether you wear gloves or not.

  4. I don’t wear masks or gloves …. unless it’s really necessary to leave the house at all except for a walk in the woods where I certainly won’t get the virus …. I think hygiene and socializing is one of the main reasons for the spread of the virus


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