The sweet smell of these flowers make me think I am in paradise. The fragrance of these cacti blooms is very mild, but when you stand near them it feels like you are in a different place. Three of buds have bloomed today and there are a lot more coming.
The flowers themselves look so pure and beautiful in white. I have been waiting for these buds to open for days and this morning I was greeted by three of the mammillaria flowers fluttering their petals to the mild morning breeze. Bees and butterflies will be buzzing around them during the day.
I always wonder how these bulbous, thorny cacti produce such dainty , delicate flowers. They need to be seen to be believed.
Question of
Do you like cacti?
1 Yes
2 No
Question of
Did you know that cacti had such beautiful blooms?
When I was walking I found early blooming cacti. Because they are only alive for 24 hours. I have a photo in the older photos here of the Queen of the Night. It blooms in yellow and has an open color in the early morning. She is very beautiful.
The Queen of the night blooms here only after the weather has cooled down in August or September. Last year I have 11 of them blooming at the same time from on plant. They are night blooming while these are day blooming cacti.
A stunning flower. I see white cactus flower for the first time.
Really we have the queen of the night and the dragon fruit all bearing white flowers very similar to these, but they are almost double or even three time the size of these blooms.
80% of the people here said that they like cacti and succulents while 20% said they don’t like them.
While 67% so far have said that they knew that cacti have pretty blooms while 33% answered “no”
Quite interesting. I would like to share more pictures of cacti and succulents in bloom.
They are so very beautiful I love the bright whiteness.
So true, I love the pure white and the delicate petals of the flower.
I have a neighbor that has a big cactus garden in his yard. Interesting.
Share some pictures with us Carol, if you can.
These blooms are so beautiful! I love cacti, but mine never bloom.
You could try giving them tomato fertilizer in early spring just half the quantity as directed on the box. Since I don’t use chemical fertilizers I use rock phosphate and banana skin dried and powdered finely to my -plants.
Thank you for the tips! Here, they sell some “blooming cacti”, but if you look closely, the blossoms are actually dry flowers glued to the cactus.
What trickery!! that is cheating!!
Oh, how lovely! Sharing this one in my social circles. Thanks. Have a blessed day!
Thank you and have a blessed day yourself.
Not a fan of prickly plants unless its a rose, but will keep them if I have them. flowers make them worth it.
I was like that a few years ago, but now I am crazy about cacti and succulents.
When I can will collect my phoenix palm that will stay in the pot. I have quite a few succulents.
I have a bigger succulent collection than cacti because of my poets.
we should give you the title Succulent Queen!
I love the cacti pictures. Now, we actually managed to kill the last Cacti in our house! overwatering is bad!
Would love the title but I know many would kill for it. LOL
🙁 Over watering is killing with love. Sorry for your loss.
i have learned that plants are pretty outside.
I don’t get it, what do you mean?
we don’t kill the plants that are outside our house. Only those that cross the threshold of our house die.
Then you must keep them close to you. They will remain alive. Does it make you sad?