Cyclamen has long been a well-known indoor plant, which with its flowering makes us happy all winter, and with a bit of luck another part of spring. This does not need much. It is enough to place the cyclamen in a bright and cool place, away from the heaters (stoves). We pour it with soft water and take it very carefully. Pour it along the edge of the pot without wetting its heart, this is a tuber. Watering it in the heart can lead to rot in a short time. Sooner or later it comes that old flower dies, as well as a sheet. Removing flowers and dead leaves, however, is a chapter in itself, as most do not know. To remove flowers and stems, hold the flower or leaf with one hand and turn it clockwise with one hand while removing it from the tuber. Thus, we removed all the stem and to prevent rot in the residues.
Question of
Do you know this plant?
Question of
Do you have this plant in your apartment or garden?
I had it before, but it dried up. It’s beautiful.
Thank you. Also, the flower menu didn’t last long. I suppose she had too much water.
Cyclamens thrive so well every winter in pur pergola. My daughter asked for plants for her new house But then, I realized she dug all of them out. So, I have to wait and see if some tuber is left behind for the next season.
I hope you have these beautiful flowers again.
Such a beautiful plant! I had it before, but it didn’t last long.
The flower didn’t last long for me either.
Thank you. I think this plant thrives in your country.
I also know cyclamen as a forest flower, dear Vida …. I’ve never had this flower at home
Yes, there is also a forest version which is just as beautiful.
And it smells much better than brought up
I have had cyclamen earlier, but the plant doesn’t do well in our kind of weather.
Maybe your country has a humid climate.
This is a very lovely flower but I have never seen it before
This plant does not seem to thrive in your country.
The petals resemble carnations. I have not seen this flower here but heard about it.
It’s a little really like carnation.
The blooms look familiar but I have never had one, almost like a carnation.
In our country, it is a very common plant.