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Is Keeping this Site Open Impossibe?

Maybe not! Perhaps if we challenge and support each other enough we can at least go out fighting. So here’s the plan! Every day that I can I am going to challenge myself to do a little something more and different. I am hoping that everyone will begin challenging each other to get things moving because we care about our community.

My challenge for today and tomorrow, because it’s late in the day for me, is to reach out to three members I have not seen post in a while and invite them to join the conversation. Is it a crazy idea? Probably. Will it work, well it could but it would take more than me.

However, if I am going out with a bang I best be banging out some ideas.

  • Question of

    Are you doing to come with some daily challenges?

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    Am I doing this alone?

    • Yes
    • No


What do you think?

Written by Ghostwriter


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  1. Am I missing something? Is this site closing? I hope not!

    Anyways, before the ‘challenges’ category was added, I started the 365 photo-a-day challenge. That challenge was supposed to encourage me to submit a photo a day for the whole year. Unfortunately for e,m there are times that I could not log in for days or even weeks. So I dropped from my own challenge.

    Still, I do join some of the challenges posted here. I just hope those challenge could drive enough traffic to keep this site alive.

  2. I do agree with you but as long as we support each other and things do keep happening here I don’t think anything will happen to the site. I have noticed that I am interacting here with a smaller circle of people though and others I remember I don’t see as often.


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