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Iced Pines

This photo was taken last year when we had a big ice storm. This morning only a few flurries thankfully. Tonight we are getting colder and maybe a little more snow. Another Nature Tuesday to share.

I love how nature has so much to offer no matter what the weather is outside. You can always find something to photograph.


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What do you think?

15 Points

Written by Carol DM


  1. It is plenty cold these days up north. The snow can be good for photos, it is true. I like your shot- it came out well. Maybe that is why it is in the top most commented and viewed.

  2. We are suppose to get below 0 tomorrow, so I am staying inside except to go to work lol. Great capture. Pine trees are beautiful to look at in the winter, but I an anxious for spring to come.

  3. We had freezing rain but luckily in my part of the country, it was mild. A few of our apricot and cherry trees were frozen. The pine tree looks interesting when it’s frozen.
