This photo was taken last year when we had a big ice storm. This morning only a few flurries thankfully. Tonight we are getting colder and maybe a little more snow. Another Nature Tuesday to share.
I love how nature has so much to offer no matter what the weather is outside. You can always find something to photograph.
Have you seen iced pine trees before?
It’s lovely, I haven’t get to see such scenes yet
Thanks, it was bitter cold for sure.
It is plenty cold these days up north. The snow can be good for photos, it is true. I like your shot- it came out well. Maybe that is why it is in the top most commented and viewed.
Thanks, we are starting to have warmer temperatures now thankfully.
A wonderful shot. We had snow again today
Have a good warm evening my friend.
The beauty that I can’t enjoy even though I don’t have to experience cold bites on my bones too.
You can enjoy from afar through my photos.
Yes, I’m always happy to do it that way.
A few years ago, we had such a frost that huge damage was done
That is too bad and it happens to a lot of people.
There’s beauty even in the storm!
Thank you very much. I have to agree.
A few years back we had a very bad ice storm and everything was frozen and had this Eerie silence going on.
What is so bad is when you lose power.
That’s the worst, PJs mom lost power but she had a gas stove and had heat from that.
We are suppose to get below 0 tomorrow, so I am staying inside except to go to work lol. Great capture. Pine trees are beautiful to look at in the winter, but I an anxious for spring to come.
Same here, stay safe out on the roads. Thank you very much.
We had freezing rain but luckily in my part of the country, it was mild. A few of our apricot and cherry trees were frozen. The pine tree looks interesting when it’s frozen.
That is great, I prefer mild over severe. I love nature.