We had this cat a few years ago who actually came from the neighbour’s as the kid there used to smother him which he did not like He was just a kitten then He was loved here by one and all and from the picture you can see how comfortable he was. When Preiti our dog came in our life she quite liked him but Lolly did not want to share the love he got from us and so he left us only to return after 3 years but Preiti did not accept him. The post is about your sleeping positions. Let the community know which position makes you comfortable.
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Would you be comfortable in position No. 6?
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Position No. 9 seems OK to you?
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I like positon No. 10 and you?
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I cannot sleep supine Position No 3 and you?
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Position No 11 is how I normally sleep – and you?
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I do not suppose you sleep on your pillow as Lolly did in position No. 4
I fall asleep in 10 and wake up in position number 2, haha
I can not sleep on my back. I always sleep on the left.
I too cannot sleep on my back
I rarely sleep at all, but when I do it is on my back or left side
Those are comfortable positions.
I prefer the back, so I can stretch out
I have a definite sleep pattern. I start off by sleeping on my left side, sometime during the night I stretch out on my back, and in the early morning when I can still sleep I am on my right side.
I am not comfortable sleeping my back. It is on both sides and sometimes on my stomach – lot of tossing and turning (lol)
Because of spinal problems, I must sleep in a recliner on my back. I prefer in a bed on my left side.
My tossing and turning is also due to my back issues.
Cute collage of your cat. I am a side sleeper.
I’m going to have to go for number ten. But it seems your cat and I have the same idea of relaxation. Fun poll here. Such cute snaps!
No 10?? That is a rendezvous with the pillow. How large is your pillow (lol) Only babies sleep that way ?
I have one of those body pillows. I toss and turn so much at night I think I do cover most of them every night. hahaa
I am only comfortable in my bed in my home , else where I am discomfortable
I too am comfortable in my own bed.
This has got to be one of the best post I have seen in a while. It was entertaining (what with the pictures of Lolly) and so cute also. BTW I usually sleep only on my side either right or left, never on my back or stomach. I was also told once that I barely move during my sleep but this has changed lately because as I am getting on with age, aches and pains have started…and thus the turning from one side to the other during the night… Again, congratulations on this unique, entertaining and different post…
Thank you. Even I toss and turn although I could say that I sleep well and I too mostly sleep on my left side.
Lolly was the sweetest cat we had so far.