there are some things in nature that just seem hopeful. A double rainbow has always seemed hopeful to me. I remember Mom saying there is always a double rainbow, sometimes you just refuse to see it. For the longest time I took it literally and I would argue with her.
She finally said “Why do you think you have an imagination? Isn’t it to allow you to see things you wish would be? You should use it.
Question of
Do like rainbows?
Question of
Do you find nature hopeful?
What happened to this post? It looks like it was already posted before with a different image.
A stunning rainbow. I rarely see her
There is hope in everything alive, sometimes even dead in nature.
Hope springs eternal in the hearts of humans!
Your mom sounds like she was a very interesting person!
Well that is one way of describing her! She was the polar opposite of my father. “Rules were made to be bent, we were grasshoppers not ants, peeking at presents is good, and so many ohter things.
life is a mix of ants and grasshoppers. When they work well together it is wonderful. when they are opposed, not so good.
Although I know that it is not true but I am happy when I see a rainbow for the luck that it would bring me.
I suppose we have to create our own luck, and perhaps rainbows inspire us to do so.
Great picture of a double rainbow, dear friend …. I never knew that a double rainbow meant hope
Well according to my Mom it does and I tend to take her at face value.
Every day I find something that gives me hope in my backyard.
It does seem to be a sanctuary for my husband as well. He is often here looking a pictures you share.
Your mum sounds like someone very educated and open-minded.
Oh yes, she was all that and stubborn!
all mom have their own kind of stubborn ? ? ? … lol