Whenever you generate a result, the last row (81-100%) would either be missing after you published or save draft or it would not display the wrong percentage… Adding/editing it in would result in it showing as “0-100%” (see picture above) and I’ve to keep editing (or deleting it to create a new one) for many many times before I could get it to register as “81-100%”!!
I’ve noticed this bug for a looooooooong time… have you guys face this problem too?
Question of
Do you face the problem?
Question of
Do you think it should be fixed?
I haven’t noticed that, but I am not very observant.
Users voted 6 times.
Q: Do you face the problem?
Yes (3 votes) – 50%
No (3 votes) – 50%
Q: Do you think it should be fixed?
Yes (5 votes) – 83%
No (1 votes) – 17%
I rarely make quizzes, and the last quiz I made must have been more than six months ago. So, I must say do not know about that bug. But that’s an important information, my friend.
I’m not surprised 🙂
You’re a natural bug repellent 🙂
Hahaha… It turns out you are so funy!
It is the most savory c?mpliment of all time!
Oh, I picked that up from you…
probably c:)z we talked a lot here 😀
Well, we do talk a lot here, and that builds creativity, right?
I can’t deny that!!
Even if it doesn’t it builds “chit-chat” skills :p
What is clear, you will be smart to tease as well…
I haven’t done many quizzes lately but have not noticed on the polls.
If it is a bug I hope it is corrected.
The polls doesn’t have a tab to generate result… but it’s good to know the polls are fine, although multiple edits is needed for questions and answers to show correctly
I generally don’t mess with the results when I do a quiz, so if it happens to me I don’t notice…
It’s a tab that is easily forgotten, so I’m not surprised.
You might want to consider entering this into my bug tracking system
I never noticed.. hum..interesting..
I guess not everyone preview/save before publishing…
I also discovered it when I previewed my quiz and realised that I got nothing when I have perfect score… went back and saw the 81-100% missing
I didn’t notice that, but bigger problem for me is deleteing questions or answers. I need to several time rewrite it before succes sending on pending.
Hmm… I know what you mean, I’ve faced it before. There is a problem with the quiz system … it usually takes a few save/edits to get questions to show correctly …
but for the results… it takes way too many saves (like at least 8 times) and its irritating!!