This post is for Alibb’s alphabet crazy challenge. G for Grace.
Grace is my name but this word is packed with all gentle synonyms and what you see in the image is the grace with which that dancer performs the ballet.
My father gave me this name which was his mother’s name. This is what he told me when I returned from my first day at school asking him to change my name. I said there were so many nicer names that I heard there. That is when my father explained to me why I was named thus.
However I do not like when a ‘y’ is added at the end by some when that beautiful name is totaly distorted.
Question of
Would you like to tell us what your name is?
Question of
Is your name distorted too?
I really like your name. My name is Vida and I don’t know how I got that name ?
I have read somewhere you talking about your name. Nice name
Im happy with my name although when I was younger I wanted to be someone else.
That happens to many I guess
G for global grace as well
I keep a low profile and so I am not global (lol)
Okay G for Great Grace ….lol
You know my name is Carol. No idea how it came about.
This is the only place where I have given my real name
Grace’s name is very nice to me, dear friend … my name is Lado … otherwise I don’t know what it means … I got my name after my father who is the same Lado … it used to be a tradition for us to be named after a girl’s father but after mom … that tradition no longer applies
Pleased to meet you Lado!!!
I am also very pleased to meet you, dear Grace … even if only online
I love my name, I use a shortened form of my name online mostly. My name is Sophie. My brother chose my name I was told.
Hi Sophie. Pleased to meet you!!!!
Many have given their real names here. I can see your name in your ID.
Grace is a beautiful name! It means generosity and goodness. My name is well known here! I have it in my profile.