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Fortune Telling/Prediction/Readings Poll

Many of us wish to know about the future. Hence we engage in fortune readings or predictions.

Some believe it’s all scam and useless, some believe it’s a form of psychological “treatment” while others depended on it for their survival…

What do you think about such readings/predictions?

  • Question of

    Do you believe in these readings?

    • Yes
    • No
    • Maybe
  • Question of

    Have you tried them?

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    Are they accurate?

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    Will you try them (again) in future?

    • Yes
    • No
    • Maybe


What do you think?

Written by alibb


  1. I don’t really believe in fortune telling. I believe more in creating your own destiny by focusing on what you want to experience! However that’s a great article!

  2. I ordered a mind and spirit collection and it came with cards like this one. Later after my husband died from a motorcycle wreck I found them. it was accurate and scared me so bad. I threw them away not knowing if I was suppose to dispose of them in a certain way. I was told once about things like this that even if it is true does not mean you should try to find out.
    I do have some angel cards and was told i have a sensitive spirit and try to read someone. It is never fearful just helps the spirit find out things and resolutions in a better fashion in my opinion. I am not saying they are bad but the reading I got happened.

    • I’m so sorry that happened to your husband. I hoped everything is better now.

      It sounds like to me that you’ve the gift to be a reader… that’s actually pretty nice… Maybe this gift could help you a lot in life

    • I was just fooling around with the program… I won’t say I’m talented in anyway
      but still thanks for the kind words 🙂

  3. These actually look kinda cute! I don’t really believe in fortune telling the way “fortune tellers” present it. They usually use very generic predictions and descriptions, and they are good at reading people’s reactions.

    • Thank you, I created them out of fun…
      Yes, I’ve to agree with you, most of them just say very generic things and those that are more accurate, cost a bomb!!
