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Flight of the Canadian Monarch

Numerous Monarch butterflies make the trip from Canada to Mexico annually. These orange beauties undertake a 5,000 mile flight to Mexico known as one of the world’s longest insect migrations 

There are three phases to the migration of the Monarch butterflies. In the first phase monarchs leave Canada in fall and winter and their journey takes them through the United States to Mexico where they will overwinter.

Phase Two happens in Spring when the Monarch butterflies begin their long journey North. Along the journey, the females will stop and lay their eggs. The caterpillars become butterflies and continue the journey.

In phase three, there are now two or three generations of butterflies that start arriving in Canada. Hopefully our gardens are well stocked and welcoming so they can build up their strength for the long journey in Phase One. In the meantime we enjoy their presence all summer.

  • Do you migrate to warmer places during the winter?

    • Yes
    • No
    • No need to I live in a warm country


What do you think?

14 Points

Written by Gloridaze


  1. 5000 miles is a long long journey. Wonder how these delicate creatures have the strength for this journey. Informational post Gloridaze.
