Bitterness what is it? Well here are some words that might help paint the picture.” resentful · embittered · aggrieved · dissatisfied · disgruntled · discontented · grudge-bearing · grudging · begrudging · indignant · rancorous · splenetic · spiteful · jaundiced · ill-disposed · sullen · sour · churlish · morose · petulant · peevish · with a chip on one’s shoulder
I dare say that we have all been bitter about something in our lives, at sometime in our life. That would be normal. What is not normal, or healthy to develop habits that make bitterness abound a majority of the time.
Check the list and see if you know someone or might be on the path yourself to becoming a bitter person.
Jealousy ~ People who are habitually bitter don’t celebrate the success of others, they become jealous of their successes.
Draw Attention to Themselves by Acting Out ~ Recently there were people demonstrating in a town nearby where I live. I was going to the grocery store and three young men approached me and said, “Do you know that while you come here and buy food, your neighbors are starving?”
“Which of my neighbors are starving?”
“Oh and where do you live?”
“We are homeless.”
“I am sorry to hear that. Here is the address for a place where you can get a good meal and help with lodging” and I handed them the card.
“How do you expect us to get there?”
“The bus is free and if you flip the card over, you can see it will be stopping by here in about 5 minutes. You have a good day.”
I then watched go over a get in a brand new vehicle and drive away. I would consider that drawing attention and acting out.
Jaded Attitude ~ People who are jaded really don’t care for others very much. In the extreme they become sociopaths. They tend to blame everything negative in their life on the behaviors of others.
Carry a Grudge Like it is Gold ~ Now grudges are kind of interesting. Hold a grudge is a defense mechanism that some people can over use. A grudge for a short period of time it might be a healing tool, but when it lasts more than a few days it’s a problem.
Always Choose to See the Negative ~ There are two sides, ying and yang, good and bad to every situation. Sometimes it is hard to see both sides. Look for the bright side, if you dig deep there is good in every situation.
So perhaps even we put a little more effort to do the opposite of these habits we will find ourselves without bitterness!
Question of
Did you learn anything new?
Question of
Do you know bitter people?
I know for me, it is best to walk away from those who are bitter, angry and lashing out. As a young person, I fought so many battles, losing most of them, because I didn’t understand.
My job is to let people know there is another way.
My job is to help those who need help, that i can offer.
Age has taught me, as brought with your post, that I cannot save anyone that doesn’t want to be saved.
After reading it, I thought are you talking about me here. Just Kidding!
If I get angry, it is because I cannot stand rap music on television or swear words that get bleeped on reality shows. I have to tell the television “Watch the language. Children are present.”
Attention getters are the celebrities who cannot stand our nation.
I can see people who constantly whine about things and would often place the blame on others. I know I have some shortcomings too but I don’t usually broadcast things or blame others or the circumstance. I keep on working hard in order to achieve my goals.
I think people who walk around being bitter, holding a grudge, or keeping some kind of anger inside them are actually wasting their lives and should learn how to rid themselves of these very negative emotions.
I’ve seen people who are bitter a lot of their time. They’re defensive and easily provoked.
They can go from zero to 100 angry in like seconds …
I can’t think of people who have been bitter ALL the time, but most people act that way when something makes them feel insecure.
I usually don’t get angry at them, but simply feel sorry they’re experiencing dark moments and are unable to cope with them properly.
I’m not perfect either, I know I tend to hold grudges more than needed, for example. ?