If you get feeling that way here is a little exercise that may give you a little less stress and a little more concentration and focus. Anyone can manage this if they have fingers. According to studies conducted at University of Connecticut massaging your fingers can be helpful. (One thing leads to another.) The massaging stimulates the adrenal glands to stop the production of stress hormones. Since it is such a simple solution I see no reason not to try it. I am certain before too long something stressful and exhausting will happen.
My plan to going to be try messaging my fingers.
Question of
Have you tried this before?
Question of
Do you think I will try it?
I will try this, I have enough stress in my life ?.
Well very good therapy tips , Thank you for sharing
It should help… My mum have tried it, even if it doesn’t help, it’s comfortable.
I think you’ll try it.
I think you will try if you write about it. I have heard about it but never tried
Humm – only a yes button again.
I need an edit button!
You can find edit button even after submiting post on pending.
Good idea, anything like this is worth a try