
Love ItLove It

Feel life in your heart

The waitress in the café sang in a loud, spirited manner, one line from a song that sounded in her head. There is no music in the cafe, it is unusual to play radio, people like to talk and music would only interfere. But now we were immediately entertained, we all smiled – the unexpected song lifts the mood, as a sweet word, as a compliment to us – means she has fun with us.

Every time I meet someone with an open heart, I feel like I have received a gift.

Let’s be open to life. Let’s be like a child still able to enjoy small wonders: a dying sunset, a pink cloud in the sky, a tree shadow on the wall, a dog walking down the street, a short conversation with a stranger.

Let us express our emotions and astonishment openly and loudly, let us not hesitate to show excitement and don’t hide our tears. Let’s learn the courage and freedom to feel alive.

And the waitress’s song reminds me again and again: sing, talk, and dance if you feel life in your heart.

© Fortune, 2019

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Written by Fortune


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