Sharing a photo with Ileana’s Thursday Reflections challenge. These raindrops were on my patio table. After days of rain, we have a break this morning. But the rain starts back later today. These drops hold a reflection hard to see due to the small macro drops. I see them and interpret them as reflections.
Have a wonderful day everyone. Remember the little things are important in life. Treat others kindly and with respect.
Photo ©CarolDM
Do you see the reflections in these rain drops?
Nice photo! Love the composition!
Hmm… what is in the droplets?
I can’t figure out!
A small reflection of my camera lens. I was under the table taking the photo.
It looks like an eye and it scares me.
Silly to be scared of a water droplet. 🙂
Stunning picture for which you have worked hard
Thanks, it was fun to take this one.
I see something in the drops but not well enough to say what it is.
Yes I know it is very small. I was under the table taking this one.
Cool and charming photos. The rain had gone down all noon until this afternoon at my place.
Thanks! The rain has returned and we just got alerts to stay off the roads, flooding all around.
Thanks and take care of yourself, please…
Definitely and thank you. The rain is worse today.
Super photo dear friend
Thank you very much!
With great pleasure dear friend
This is really beautiful!
Thank you so much Ellie.
So spectacular shot done from unusual angle!!!
Thanks, I was under the table. 🙂
The things we do for a photo!