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Do you know where time disappears?

I know where the moments disappear. I know where the minutes and hours disappear.

It is not true that we are all in a hurry, running to nowhere. It is not true that we live very intensive lives. We spend most of our conscious life and the day’s time given to us for waiting. There is no time left to live, you have to wait. Waiting is faith and hope. Waiting is a test of patience and tolerance.

We look forward to lunch, break and workday ends. Looking forward to salary, weekend, birthday, Christmas. We are waiting for the green traffic light, proper evaluation, any reaction to good deeds. We wait for attention, tenderness, strong emotions, perfect partnership, love.

We look forward to discounts and sales. Looking forward to vacations and holidays. We are waiting for visits from children. Looking forward to the series, training, performances, response, compliments, respect. Waiting for the project to start, waiting for the project to finish.

And there are about 1000 those things we are waiting for.

 Now you know where our time is gone…

© Fortune, 2009

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Written by Fortune