Sitting in a corner of a cafe with a friend, today, after work, we heard so many people complaining; tired, dizzy, tangled, convoluted problems, etc. So many reasons and causes are described. We finally talking about it. Discuss those reasons, ways to overcome, and the best solutions.
Well, the world is indeed tangled with various things, because human inhabitants of the earth constantly think about their interests, and do everything possible to fulfill those various interests. Then, who can straighten it, at least in our own minds? After all, we know that that is part of the reason we are here, on this earth, to test our toughness, and learn to overcome it.
Question of
Have you ever felt your mind so tangled because of something or many things?
Question of
Can you handle it well?
We are tested every single day of our lives. Our attitudes will gauge how our life turns out.
See how this wise woman responds to life…
My friend today is such a time that people in the clay are dissatisfied and this is the same all over the world-for poor people it was always poorly taken care of
Yes, Lado. Again, yesterday I saw many people disappointed, frustration, confuse, and so on… And they are not poor people. So, if even the rich people thought that they have the worst time, what about the poor?
Obviously they have too many goals – I’ve never been rich, but I’ve always been enough for a good life and I was pleased with this – I did not have the impossible dreams, and if you have too many goals, then you may be unhappy and unwilling
Thanks for your thought, Lado.
I really understand, and that’s what I think about them. Well, I think, the less desire and purpose, the less torture from them for us, the less we have, the easier it will be for us not to feel lost, right?
I agree a friend of mine-you know the proverb saying that they have not taken anything for anyone
Yes, I know, Lado. And that’s very wise.
Many things we complain about, we can’t really solve it due to circumstances. We’re powerless hence complain is the only thing we can do. Others, we just too lazy to change and whine for sympathy. LOL.
Changing is always the hardest part.
As we see, there are so many reasons to make us complain, right?
To Pamela, I ask, who is our real enemy? For you, who is blocking change?
Interesting perspective. There is so much going on in this world. So many problems with tangled webs. Yes, best to deal with one thing at a time one day at a time and accept we are what we are.
Thank you, Pamela. That’s the idea…
In ancient wars, if the opposing leader is defeated then all resistance stops, in the case of the mind, what happens is the opposite, if the leader of thought is defeated, tangling is easy to describe and overcome. Or, who is our real opponent?
I think sometimes we are all our own worst enemy. I found while getting my car fixed getting my keys untangled good a lot of time. I was able to do it but not easy.
I guess we all need patience.
You’re right, Pamela, determination, and patience at once.