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Blue Skies Bring Happiness

The weather has been beautiful here. I have spent most of the day outside. Look at these blue skies. How can you not be happy looking at this, right!

No matter what is going on with you, take  a walk outside. It will clear your mind. 

The scene reminded me of a WIlie Nelson song called Blue Skies. Funny, I have never been a huge Willie Nelson fan but the song came to mind. Here are some of the lyrics…

Blue skies smiling at me…Nothing but blue skies do I see…Blue days all of them gone…Nothing but blue skies from now on.

I was out on the deck and snapped this photo of my backyard. So many things to enjoy about life.


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Written by Carol DM


  1. i sat on my deck last night talking to the twins. It got cold quickly and then we were off on the walk, but watching the end result (we can’t see the sunset from the back deck) was amazing!

  2. We had a blue sky yesterday but last night it just poured with thunder and lightning For November it is not normal at all.

    I see trees neatly planted. What are they?

  3. Blue skies are the best thing there can be in nature, My mom had the habit of saying on bright summer days that the sky was as blue as Egyptian skies, Why she was in the habit of saying this I don’t know because she had never been in Egypt, The saying has stuck with me all through the years,
