Hopefully you’ve already seen these guys in a larger format, and now I am back to wind you up about alcoves some more. What I really need to do is run around and grab some reference but whilst I do that, you might let me know what you think of my design…
Question of
do you prefer this design?
Question of
or do you prefer this design?
Question of
do you use this word, alcoves?
I have to quite eating or drinking while looking at your comments. Your reply to the other Doc made me choke. Again. PS: The idea of a flying carpet is appealing, but that one doesn’t work, at least not there. Just my take.
Flying carpets totally work in the dreamlands! It is the only place they work. That particular one might be broken or a fake, though…
I actually keep a TV in my alcove. Only because I didn’t have anywhere else to keep the only TV that runs the old Xbox.
Alcoves are traditionally where we kept our idols. Nevermind, you just told me we still do that…
I can’t expect you to make an informed decision if you can’t even see what you’re choosing between…
Necessity is the mother of invention, eh?
it drives the whole race forward
the rising tide lifts all boats- thus innovation elevates the entire species…
The first one is my favorite because of the ornament & warm shades. And yeah, use the word “alcove”.
It is a fun word. Sometimes I just work it into conversations just so I can say “alcoves” and it drives my friends nuts
very first is good to me
thanks for letting me know
I really liked the first one, but I liked the first one a little better because of thee light shining through the windows.
Yeah, I really need to learn how to use volumetrics in iray…