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Alcoves – WIP

When I picture this type of architecture, I always imagine there are alcoves and usually with mashrabiya; the ornately carved window screens. This really captures the exotic locale that I pictured in my mind when reading the tales of Sheherazade


What do you think?


      • I knew you were going to ask that, and NO I cannot do both at the same time. I could get caught up in the performance and paint myself in a corner. Besides, the reason I chose the Segerstam version is for the SHOUTING that starts at 44:59 — You have to SEE the shouting (and also because the musicians in this video are so genuine. They all have such interesting expressions) Also because like Chaucer’s Wife of Bath I am somewhat hearing impaired and have to pay really close attention to anything that makes noise.

  1. Your talent is natural. You do not need our help but I am sure you like reading our ideas. Another excellent job is what I say. Would like decorating around this “wall”.

    • I need all the help I can get and I need all the help that I can’t get, too… Architecture isn’t my strong suit

      What’s worse is I am doing this without any reference whatsoever