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5 Ways to Find Emotional and Mental Harmony in 2020

It may sound funny to anyone since the change is just in the number, but it’s not. A new 12-month cycle of the Earth’s journey around the sun begins, and you too can start a new year with a new year, one that will bring you emotional and mental satisfaction. Follow these tips and you will feel better, easier to tolerate stress and any obstacles that come your way to your goals.

1. Start meditating

Yes, it’s annoying when everyone tells you this, but they convince you because it works. Meditation works, you just have to take it seriously. There are a lot of manuals, instructional videos, so we believe you will succeed.

2. Take a break from social networks

We spend too much time on Instagram, Facebook, and other social networks. They are designed to make us addicted and as soon as we become addicted to something, our mental state falls out of balance. Take a break several times a day, and after a certain hour put down your phone and read a book.

3. Take time for yourself and pamper yourself

When was the last time you went anywhere you wanted to and spent the whole day there? You don’t remember anymore, do you? Take the time for yourself and make the most of it, if one day a month away from your family no one dies and it benefits you more than you think.

4. Remove people who are not real friends

People who only associate with you when they need you are not friends, remove them from your life.

5. Gratitude

Gratitude is practiced by a huge number of people worldwide. Take 10 deep breaths in succession, then raise awareness of 5 things you are grateful for that day. Doing so directs the brain to start thinking about beautiful things.

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Written by vidocka


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  1. They are good suggestions but I am careful with meditation practices e.g. yoga as the effects on one’s psychology can be disastrous. The normal meditation of not blanking out the mind is healthy.
    Thanks for the remainder.


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