
Wander project The National Mall (US)


What do you think?

Written by DocAndersen

One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    • Yes, if your goal is to see the museums, the memories and the treasures. It would be like the national hero’s cemetery in Indonesia was closed because of funding. Instead of saying you can walk around freely they put a fence around it and say you cannot enter.

      I have a really good friend who is a school teacher. She and her Husband had planned their vacation for two years (saving money to pay for everything). Now, they have to wait another year.

  1. I was just thinking about that the day before yesterday. What about all the people with dream vacations from other parts of the world. Really there should be a better way than to close everything. Sighs. Still it looks like it was a nice day and there are plenty of oustide things to see.

    • Most of the outside attractions are open, but there is for some of them a trash issue. Federal workers (park service) empty the trash cans. The city of DC has started doing some, but there are some that aren’t emptied daily as they used to be.

      It is really sad.

      • I thought the gov used private contracts for clean up in the parks. Maybe that is just some of them. Still I guess they would still be off work right? There are still parks all over the states, federally run ones, that have been closed since the last one. They never did open back up, some only opened parts of the parks back up.
