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Wander project the blooms of spring!

The four pictures today, all from April 2019, on a walk-in, our neighborhood. The flowers, you see, are all budding now, and I will take some new pictures this year to add to my flower collection! The redbuds are slowly opening right now. Spring is nearly here! I live just a little north of Washington, DC, and my primary customer is located in downtown DC. One of the things I look forward to every year is the Cherry Blossom festival. It is set each year based on the peak viewing period for the cherry blossoms in the Tidal Basin near the Jefferson memorial. The cherry trees blossom every spring and are a Washington DC landmark. Tourists plan their vacations around the peak date.

This year the peak date is March 21 to 24. Because of Covid-19, the festival, parade, and crowds of people may or may not happen. I do genuinely understand that we are in the flatten the impact stage of the pandemic. Hopefully, we will be able to do that. But from a DC health perspective, I guess that the parade and festival will be postponed. The Cherry trees were given to the United States by Japan more than 100 years ago. The US National Park Service has a group of rangers whose job it is to protect the trees and to make sure it is safe for people and trees. Many thousand people come down to view the trees during that 3 to 4 day peak viewing period.


The link is to the official Cherry Blossom page. My customer is just down the road from the Basin, and we sometimes walk near the location for lunch. I don’t know that we will do that (large crowds being a risk now). But we have done so in years past. The Tidal Basin is right next to the Potomac River and just off the 395 highway extension.

The CHrry Trees are visible on the link, and you can search Google for pictures from years past!

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Written by DocAndersen

One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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