
Wander project Snow, and a pool table… (oh yeah and the word of the day)

My word of the day is Libel. If you think someone has publically misrepresented you, you have recourse. You file a lawsuit and sue them for libel. Here is the thing, you have to go to a court of law and run the risk of perjury. Fake News is so much easier to use you don’t have to prove anything. My friend that posted the original thinking on this (she is a journalist by trade) took her post down late yesterday. She was verbally attacked (names and threats) by some people. I felt really bad for her.

The first picture is one that shares two things. The first is my pool table (it is still in our basement in Maryland, it moved from Indiana to Maryland with us). The reason I bring the pool table up is two-fold. The first part is the brilliance, of my wife. She insisted we get the ping pong and hockey insert for the table. We’ve used that insert as much if not more than the actual pool table. Yes, the felt of the pool table is red. That was also my wife’s idea. The map on the wall was a dry erase board, a map of the world. We, and by we I mean me, used to draw circles around where I was in the world.A more personalized game of where’s dad for the twins at that time.

The rest of the pictures are of snow. It is funny; when we moved to DC, we thought that DC is around the same longitude as Indiana. It is just a little bit south of Indianapolis overall. The air flow, however,is completely different. We are bound to the Atlantic Ocean. The air flow patterns for us can produce a lot of moisture, but they also tend to have warmer air. The funny thing about the ocean is that it rises and drops in temperature. But those temperature changes over time are very slow.

The result of that is in the six years we’ve been in Maryland, we’ve had some snow every year. One storm that was the largest snowstorm I’ve ever personally been a part of (35 inches) but other than that one huge storm, we’ve had less snow in the six years total, than we had in any two while we were in Indiana. Funny, I guess we moved further south than we thought we did!



What do you think?

Written by DocAndersen

One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!