Have you been in the wilderness? It is quite a strange feeling. It seems that the whole world is overwhelmed with emptiness: there are almost no plants and animals, and around you can see only sand or stones. Of course, deserts can be not only arid (dry and hot climates). There are two polar deserts on the Earth, the Arctic, and the Antarctic, which are characterized by low rainfall and cold climates.
However, at this time of year, when a cold little by little come to our lives as it is winter time now, I want to talk about the ten deserts of exclusive beauty that can boast of a dry and hot climate.
Sahara Desert, North Africa
The largest tropical desert on Earth is Sahara. It lies in North Africa and covers parts of many countries there. It can be divided into several distinct regions: sandy desert, saline desert, mountainous masses, stony desert, etc. So, first of all, having heard the name of Sahara, we are thinking about the huge sandy areas, it should be borne in mind that in this desert there are also dried rivers and lakes, an oasis in the middle and even saline lakes on the outskirts. An extraordinary piece of nature!
Negev desert, Israel
The Negev desert lies in the southern part of Israel. It is magnificent and stunning in its beauty. At first glance, Negev desert looks as if it is without any signs of life. But this is not true because the inhabitants of the desert - various breeders, even leopards - go out of their secret homes at the night.
Atacama Desert, Chile
Mohawk Desert, California, US
The Mohawk Desert is dry. There fall only 150 mm of precipitation a year. Like in most deserts, there is very hot during the summer (temperatures reach 50 degrees Celsius), and in winter there are heavy frosts, sometimes snow falls. This desert is unique due to the fact that here grow a large number of blueberries (Joshua trees). It is also interesting that the Mohawk desert is the lowest and hottest place in North America.
Gobi Desert, China and Mongolia
In the southern regions of Mongolia and northern China, there is a gigantic desert of Gobi. It is the second largest desert in the world. The sandy areas of the Gobi desert are not very large - prevailing stony surfaces. The vegetation here is very poor, but, oddly enough, the Mongolian shepherds still pasture their animals in the eastern part of the desert.
Namib Desert, Namibia and Angola
On the southwestern coast of Africa, in the territories of Namibia and Angola, the Namib Desert is famous for its sand dunes. These dunes, depending on the sunshine and moisture, intensively change their color. Also, in this wilderness, there are Volve Bay and Swakopmund dunes, one of the highest in the world. Interestingly, the Namib Desert extends up to the Atlantic coast. With these two powerful forces of nature, they create a breathtaking view of beauty
The Sonoran Desert, the USA and Mexico
The Sonoran desert is a real miracle of nature that extends beyond the western outskirts of North America. This desert is one of the hottest and biggest in the whole continent. The most visited tourist destination in the Sonoran Desert - the Saguaro National Park, located in the US state of Arizona. The mountain chain is stuck in the park, a lot of cacti grows.
Thar desert, India and Pakistan
The Thar Desert, also known as the Great Indian Desert, is a huge sandy area in Northwest India and southeastern Pakistan. Desert relief consists of sand dunes, crescent-shaped hills. There are abundant areas with small lakes, poor shrubs, acacia, and solid grasses. Interestingly, there are a lot of people in the desert. So here lies the ancient village traditions and the authentic life of the people of Rajasthan ( the Indian state).
Simpson’s Desert, Australia
In the central part of Australia, the Simpson Desert is one of the driest deserts in the world. It is interesting because the desert sand is red, and somewhere are dunes of 20 to 30 meters in height. The tallest desert dune is called Big Red, with a stunning view of it, especially during the sunrise and sunset, when the sun's rays paint the sand even more in red
Wadi Rum, Jordan
Wadi Rum, also called the Moon Valley, is a rocky desert located in Jordan. It is engraved with rising rock arches and gorges. These rocks change the color. In the wilderness, you can see a wide variety of colors: from white to deep red, bright yellow or even black. Interestingly, Bedouin tribes live in the wilderness of Wadi Rum, so this area boasts not only an exceptional landscape of beauty but also a unique culture.
I have ridden on a camel and I don’t find it comfortable.