Since the dawn of time, man has attempted to find meaning in light phenomena, whether they the heavenly bodies above, unusual luminescence underfoot, and every beam, view, and reflection in between.
We travel great distances for experiences that challenge and inspire our perspectives. Admiring these phenomena is especially powerful, as the sense of awe in many ways connects us to prehistoric forebears; through these spectacular bright blue displays, which, according to Cornell biology professor James Morin is often mistakenly referred to as phytoplankton, while the organisms creating the glow on Mudhdhoo Island Maldives are actually “ostracod crustaceans”.
These heavenly blue displays featured here on Mudhdhoo Island’s shoreline, occur in the early evening are actually not unique and are found along various other shorelines around the globe. We, humans, are constantly searching for some or other deeper meaning to life and, to be blatantly honest, these displays are just so darn pretty, there just has to be a higher spiritual meaning to their presence!
It is amazing. From a spiritual perspective, blue means healing.
Very beautiful and so many unanswered questions.
How intressting, thanks for sharing
I’ve seen the luminescence but not blue, a silvery shimmer… off an island we were holidaying at off the East coast of Peninsular Malaysia. Very cool…
Thats cool
Yes, so amazing. People used to think it was phytoplankton until recently they found that the creature responsible is a tiny crustacean or crab. Thank you for commenting, if you would like to see more unusual phenomena, kindly drop me a line. Thank you for watching.
Ver strange and beautiful