On our trip to Bandung for a vacation, We stopped at Rindu Alam – Puncak restaurant. The scenery around the beautiful gives me the opportunity to get a somewhat decent picture for the post of this challenge.
Under the pine forest hill, there is a winding road to this place which will lead to Cipanas, Cianjur, Padalarang and Bandung, our destination city.
Plants that appear behind the pine are tea trees. This Puncak or Peak area is indeed a vast area of tea plantations.
You may join the challenge started by John artbytes26 anytime. Just please be sure to check out Art’s rules and guidelines for the challenge in this post 365 Photos Challenge.
Beautiful place helps me a lot, thank you very much…
Thank you very much, Jimmy
I looked for the kodama but I couldn’t find any…
If you are in direct contact at this location, you will be able to talk to them. Hehe…
I can’t understand their wonderful clicking language (if that is even a language)
Hmmm… Many things in the universe have no representation in human language, or otherwise, human language is too poor to tracing and understanding all forms of understanding exchange…
Language is just one form of communication. It isn’t even the most precise one…
That’s so true, brother. I even consider language to be the greatest human prison, though it also plays a major role in developing our brains. Hehe…
It does tend to limit the way we think, but I wouldn’t go so far as to call it a prison
It does not matter. I’m glad we’re different.
I have a different metric for freedom I suppose. I don’t automatically consider limitations to be prisons (but they can become prisons)
That’s wise. Each paradigm has its own limits, rules of the game and how to behave in it
That would be my explanation for it as well
Wonderful nature and photos!
Nature is beautiful, right, Ellie? Thanks a lot…
What a beautiful journey you have taken us on. Reminds me of my childhood.
Oh, really? What has reminded you of your childhood, Carol?
The pine trees. We lived away from a city and traffic, lots of forests and pine trees.
Ooohhh… I see… A good and wise choice to live in a peaceful environment…
Yes, it was all I knew for the first part of my life.
Have you ever known the reason for the move?
The move from m y childhood home? Yes, I had to move to get into the city to have a career. I had a 2 y/o son to take care of alone. Could not stay there and be successful.
You are right. I really understand. Thank you for your explanation.
No problem. Life has always been challenging for me, but I am a survivor!
Yes, indeed you are, Carol!
You have visited many beautiful places along the way of your trip
Yesterday’s trip was indeed through a lot the beautiful scenery and fun . Thank you, Elenka