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Looking down from a plane

When you’re on a plane, you will definitely see the world differently. That’s why people take pictures on the airplane windows, and the pictures are really spectacular. Often I was envious of the pilots. They are the happiest people. They can admire the beauties of the world while they are at work!? Whenever I travel by plane, I take care to reserve a seat at the window! I like to look at the world from above. If I am lucky and is a sunny day, I try to take pictures. Today, I want to show you some photos taken from the plane. I hope you enjoy!

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30 Points

Written by Ileana Calotescu



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  1. I love taking pictures from inside the airplane. I usually stick my small camera in my bag when I am flying so I can capture lots of good pictures. I loved capturing clouds, cities at night and Mt. Rainier in the US (Washington State).


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