
Tech Wiz upcoming reviews and reviewing the importance of safety…

I was kind of stuck on how big the boat we saw was, I know. Not something that I would normally be wound around, we see big boats all the time. I think it was the size of the small ferry boat they were using, a boat that was as big as our boat, that caught my eye. Boat systems, are very similar and very different from car systems. First off, boat systems have to be able to get wet. It changes the kinds of screens you can have on a boat, versus inside a car. But using Lidar (a variation of radar) in a car to create a collision prevention system is similar to the Radar capabilities of a boat. The goal of radar is to report objects in your way either near you or coming towards you. The same is true of a cars Lidar system.

Sonar is used to see what is beneath you in a boat. Unlike the car, where you pretty much know what is under the vehicle (a road). There are exceptions, but people who choose to wander off the road are aware of the risk of not knowing what is under your car while driving.

That got me thinking about the concept of safety a little. I know that I don’t drive as fast as some people do. I also know that I tend towards cautious when I am in my car. It comes from how I was taught to drive. To be aware of the road. I learned to drive a boat (14) long before I learned how to drive a car (15) and the learning of boat operation has stuck with me. Don’t put yourself; my grandfather always used to say, in a place you can’t get out of. I applied that to piloting the boat on Lake Ripley and later driving cars in Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, and Ohio. Be careful about what and how you are considering when you are operating a vehicle. It is important to me to be careful.

I am going to end today with the following listing of upcoming reviews.

  • Goovis Personal Cinema
  • Oculus Go

Tow very different headsets that I have spent some time with recently.


What do you think?

Written by DocAndersen

One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!