
Tech Wiz and a new term Micro-Personal Micro-Grid

As a water fan, one of the things I am playing with right now is the generation of power via water. Enomad is a water generation device. You need moving water, and you get power! Look this isn’t going to power your house, but it is enough while camping to generate and recharge your portable devices. The device is light and small enough that you can easily carry it with you (portable). It requires running water to operate. I will be testing it live in the next few days and will do a full formal review. Portable power is an interesting area within the concept of a Micro-Grid. I talked about building your personal Micro-Grid by adding power generation at your house. The even smaller perhaps Micro-Personal Micro-Grid would be the portable reality of personal power.

There are also micro-personal micro-grid wind gene operation tools and personal portable solar tools. Most of them come with the generator and a storage battery. The larger the battery, the more devices you can power. The larger the battery of course, the heavier the device is. The other thing to consider is you cannot tow a device like the enomad behind a power boat. You could, however, tow it behind a canoe or kayak and generate power. You can while hiking stop by a babbling brook and recharge your GPS, phone or tablet. Or, more likely recharge your phone, because cell phones chew up batteries in the wilderness, there isn’t always something to connect the device to regarding signal, so it spends more time searching.

As long as the sun shines (scientists project 4-5 billion more years on that front) there will be wind, water, and solar power. The reality of your micro-grid is you can save money. You can also help the environment. Climate change isn’t fake news. I know that many people, including quite a few here on Virily, publish misleading and sometimes incorrect information on the science of climate change. The problem is that the media at one point called the problem of global warming. Yes, there are parts of the globe that are warmer now than they were ten years ago. There are parts of the globe that are colder. The problem isn’t global warming. It is the change in the actual climate. More hurricanes last year and two that hit the US in the same year. That doesn’t happen often. More hurricanes projected for this year. Storms are more severe in the past ten years than they have been in the past hundred years, and rain patterns have moved. Wildfires in California are worse because of the drought in California. As the climate changes around us, we, humanity are at risk. Create your micro-grid and your micro-personal micro-grid. Generate power and help make the world a better place!


What do you think?

Written by DocAndersen

One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!