The path from where we are to where we want to be. I have talked about some things that are changing around us in the technology world. The impact of these changes is growing every single day. If we consider the impact of any one of the changes they are huge. All of them combined are huge impact change.
I posted a little about connected cars a couple of days ago. Part of that post was talking a little about the first connected car horror movie. Not the many connected technology issues show that have been on TV, but the horror movie. Where the person is driving home and then suddenly they are going where their car wants to go, regardless of what they want. The seized control version of the Stephen King haunted car horror movie.
In the past, I have offered advice on segmenting home networks and on keeping things moving. Having multiple wi-fi segments in your home is great, as long as they ALL CONNECT DIRECTLY to your router. If they connect to your central wi-fi and then your router, at that point, you’ve simply spread your peanut butter too thin.
As someone that has had the opportunity to peak around the corner a bit at VR/AR technology, I can tell you that tomorrow is going to be about the reality of bandwidth being gone. But that is only one of the many changes we are going to see become critical. As people cut the cord, the so-called anti-Satellite, and anti-cable movement, what was once a pristine home network is going to be clogged. When you only stream your services, effectively you force everything to your network.
The best job you can plan for in the automated future is wi-fi whisperer. Oh yeah and stay out of cars you know are connected. You may end up somewhere you don’t want to be!
You are absolutely correct!
Thanks – it is a long time project of mine to get information about home networks out to as many people as possible!!!