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Why the net neutrality laws are critical, globally…and translation hardware

The world of translation hardware is about to change. I suspect that this will generate a lot of bad accents. (hola Y’all). It will however also move us a little further up the stack towards the universal translator. There are two products coming in this space that I find exciting. One is an earbud that allows you to hear roughly real-time translations. Now, for the most part, these use the internet connection to your phone. That is somewhat problematic in that when you travel outside of the country you live in, the data costs for your cell phone can be horrifying.

My ongoing longterm reality is that it is a joke how much telecom companies get away with charging. As the US government considers the potential removing of net neutrality laws, they leave the cellular industry alone. It doesn’t cost a company more than 2-4 cents to move a mega of data. Even if we assume they upgrade the hardware environment on a monthly basis (they don’t), it is still a huge overcharge. Just look at the profits phone companies are making. One of the impacts (IMHO) of the removal of net neutrality is going to be the addition of more and more fees to the use of the internet on mobile devices.

People often ask me what I see as the limiters in the implementation and delivery of technology solutions. One of the biggest concerns I have in the short run is the removal of net neutrality rules in any form. I believe the removal of these rules will ultimately result in a significantly higher cost overall for internet solutions. From the higher cost of home access to the reality of the increased cost of mobile access, I am truly concerned with this initial concept.

I don’t often post political rants. I am not ranting now. I believe personally that the impact of net neutrality removal is going to be the reality of higher cost. The Higher cost of the internet doesn’t impact the wealthy. It impacts those struggling to get by. It reduces the number of people that can and will use the internet. It will slow the expansion of smartphones (no internet or high-cost internet makes a smartphone well, useless). It will slow growth of the global economy so that companies can make money today.

My grandfather always told me to pay attention to this rule. You can make a dollar today, or a dime for the next 400 days. Which do you choose?


What do you think?

11 Points

Written by DocAndersen

One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. You should be ranting- net neutrality is the will of the populace. Only a few greedy individuals would benefit from this idiocy. Short term thinking is the business plan of most corporations and governments these days…

  2. We are slaves of the system and for as long as we use it we have no choice but to swallow an6 change that comes with it. As usual, you touched an issue and made it easy to understand for people like me lol
