
A pick list for camera vs. Cell phone

There are some things you have to have a camera. One of the reasons that so many people use their cell phones as their owly camera is the reality of one of the things you need to have. I thought I would share my list and see if people agreed with me.

  1. You have to have the camera with you!
  2. The camera has to be charged, and you have to have either memory or film!

You see that first one drives the cellular camera market. People don’t always think about carrying a camera with them. I traveled for many years and based on that in particular based on being in another country; I often carry a camera. I learned many years ago that the quality of pictures could be critical. The second issue is one that impacts photographers as well. That brings the other components of what impacts photographs.

  1. Light – exposure, and availability drive a camera’s ability.
  2. Distance from the object or person being photographed.
  3. The breadth of the field, i.e., how wide is the object or how big is the group of people.
  4. Color

The first two truly lead you to pick up the cellular phone as your primary camera. Frankly, these four start to tip the scale towards the camera.

First off, you have to be comfortable with what you are using. Seoncdly and probably more important you have to have a way to backup your digital and your film pictures. One copy in your house is a recipe for heartache (all our pictures are gone).

The last item for today pushes you away from Cell and to a camera.

  1. Underwater

Look even you can take your cell phone underwater it isn’t going to take good pictures. The concept is simple. Pick the device based on the job. If you run into 3-6 more often, start carrying a camera. The reality of the pictures you take, is hopefully they become the pictures you share!


What do you think?

Written by DocAndersen

One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!