I have lived in Tennessee since 1998. Since that time there have only been two ice storms here. The first was in 1999 long before I owned a cell phone. The second was in February of 2015. By this time I had my first smart phone (I know I’m behind the times and still catching up).
I decided to take a walk around my property. I couldn’t believe the beauty I was be holding. Just looking around and all the ice covered trees, grass and structures I was in awe of it all. Usually ice storms are destructive and dangerous but I had nowhere that I needed to be so I just breathed in the cool calm breathtaking view.
I fell in love with Tennessee from day one. Even though it has many venomous snakes and spiders, bears, coyote and mountain lions I still won’t trade it for any other place on Earth. The beauty of this state overwhelms me at times and I’m always in awe here. Rocky Top Tennessee is now my final home. God bless Tennessee and all her people.