Canadian scientists have proven that it is useful to stop for a moment and smell the roses, because even the short touch with nature raises our mood, writes Daily Mail. Experts from the University of British Columbia conducted experiments with 395 students who were in contact with nature for 2 weeks. When analyzing completed questionnaires, it was found that the participants were filled with many more positive emotions and their social connections were strengthened. Comparisons were made with a control group left in an urban environment. If one pays more attention to nature, it stimulates his sense of happiness and good mood. If we take the time to “smell the roses,” our prosocial orientation becomes stronger. This helps us to share resources with others and to rediscover our place in the community, says Holly Ann Pashmore’s team,who conducted the study.
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I love this post. It brought back childhood memories. My mother loved to plant roses.
I love roses! Interesting post!
This is something new and interesting for me
It is important to stop and smell the flowers
Well, that explains why my mom loved to plant roses.
Carol Your special garden is full of these beautiful flowers. You enjoy them every day. Of course, it is now
Carol Your special garden is full of these beautiful flowers. You enjoy them every day. Sure, and now it is
This is something that many of us knew instinctively already. it’s nice to have it confirmed scientifically 🙂
It has already been confirmed by scientists
I live in an urban environment, but I have a potted olive tree on my porch. It helps me to look at it and take care of it. I also have a cat that helps understand animals. I have a cold right now so I can’t smell anything!
I did not know that an olive tree could live i
What’s the point of living if you aren’t going to enjoy it?
The flowers were created to enjoy our eyes
They were created to attract pollinating insects. Have you ever seen a UV picture of a flower? They have wild colors outside the range of visible light that we miss, but the bugs just love them…
A very good post. Thanks for sharing!
Thank you for taking the time for my job
Great post, very interesting!
I’m glad you were interested
I have to completely agree with the scientist! We should all take the time to stop
and smell the roses in life.