Here is a Sacred Datura growing wild taken last week on my walk. Still within the new image posting rules.
To join in you can catch the rules from Artbytes on his 365 Photos Challenge. Check out the #365_photos_challenge tag and make sure you use it to group them all together. I love seeing every ones entries daily!
It seems, this time it is your turn to translate the poem that Sacred Datura reads, Kim.
I tried, how’d I do? They are blooming everywhere right now!
That’s good, it means more words to say.
Ah yes.. It needs to rain. one with drops would be pretty.
That’s the lyrics of a rather sad choir, no?
Sooo Beautiful. I love your photos
Thank you so much Della!
Great photo, that’s a lovely flower! The challenge is a lot of fun!
I really love these, it seems they can grow with hardly no water at all. We’ve just had fog as moisture for months now.
That’s very interesting….probably would grow well here then
Might be too humid? You don’t want it around Eli though. It is poisonous.
So Beautiful They are Lovely Flowers…
Thank you Hamza. glad you liked them.
My Pleasure Dear Kim..!
Another beautiful bloom.
I need to figure out the right time to submit photos to get them approved sooner.
It all depends on how many are in on the weekends I think.