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Why do we need trees and plants?

Without plants there could be no life on our planet. Not in vain, the forests are called the “lungs” on Earth. They are one of the largest sources of oxygen that they release in photosynthesis. In this way they provide the air we need to exist.


Chlorophyll, which is the green color of the leaves, absorbs sunlight and is involved in the production of nutrients. In addition, plants enrich the air with oxygen and purify it from harmful carbon dioxide.


That is why, by cutting down the forests, people damage not only the environment, the birds, the animals, but also themselves. One of the main reasons for global warming is the felling of trees.

Let us unite all around the world and preserve Nature. Do not allow catastrophic problems on our planet.

© Elenka Smilenova 2017 – All Rights Reserved


What do you think?

17 Points

Written by lacho59


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  1. Yes, the planting of trees and forests, can turn things around. So many people wanting more land more houses and some living on the streets.
    A civilisation is only as strong as it’s weakest link. I believe that there can be enough food and water to feed us all on earth if we learn to manage this environment better.

    It is more than just animal farm production and cars – what is destroying planet earth is simple greed.
    I love fields and trees, as you say, they are “Lungs”
    I hope people will listen to your post, Elenka. It’s a very good point.

  2. Sí, tenemos que mantener todos los árboles que tenemos ahora para el bien de todo. Quizás deberíamos aprender de los druidas y considerar a los árboles como criaturas increíbles para ser venerados y dejar de usar la vida de nuestro planeta tan callosamente. ¡Gracias por publicar!

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