The New Zealand Pukako is really a New Zealand version of swamp hen. It is a bird that lives in our mud flats, or marshes. I think it eats small live animals in the mud. Probably some vegetables, maybe..
I was surprised that when I was at Tasmania one of the first birds I saw was the Tasmanian Moor hen or Tasmanian Swamp hen. It is exactly the same size and shape of our New Zealand Pukako and even the chicks look the same as ours.
The Thumbnail is a Pukako at the Auckland Zoo. The Pukakos are everywhere and are a common sight to see.
When something in life does not make any sense, a New Zealand expression is “Up the Waps! (or up the Trees) Shooting Pukakos! Pukakos don’t go up trees, but Pukakos are capable of flying.
Thanks Carol, the Pukako are seeking dinner..
we call these moor hens and one of my post yet to be reviewed is about the moor hen. LOL
Thanks Dawn I am looking forward to your post on Moor hens